Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A growing youth, a junior sleuth, a new-formed tooth:

A GROWING YOUTH: Yes, ol' chunky-butt is sprouting up like a 6th grade bean-planting project. She's 82.5 pounds; err--- well, she FEELS that heavy! YOU try luggin' this tub-o'goo around; you'd agree! She's also at the stage now where she's trying so hard to talk. At times, you'd think she's carrying on an adult conversation as much as she's babbling. And so expressive; everything she says is with such conviction and demand. We can already tell she's going to have the same open, approaching, verbose personality like her mommy.

A JUNIOR SLEUTH: Did we mention that she's easily pulling up and a speedster at crawling? Oh yeah... Baby Roadrunner is all over the place! That's a good thing, I guess, except when she GETS INTO EVERYTHING! I remember years ago watching comedian Dana Carvey on TV doing jokes about being a new dad... that every 2 minutes your only conversation with your child is "No, no, no, no, no!" That's pretty much the chatter around the Sanders' house. She's like a detective going around looking for clues... and by "clues" I mean "kibble." Emmaline's mobility super-power has introduced her to tasty morsels of dog food, dryer lint, and junk mail. And it doesn't stop there. She's sampled electrical cords, grass, dog hair, and flip flops. Her palate has no preference! If it's in this house, she'll find it. And whatever she finds, it become a snack!

A NEW-FORMED TOOTH: Little Miss Munchmouth has slowly phased in her first little teeth. And, painfully so (for us and for her). She has rollercoaster'd through these waves of happiness and misery. For the first time in months, she's aroused in the dark of night, howling in pain. But all the little angel wants is just some tender love & care from MaMa or DaDa and she'll (usually) go back to sleep. Several nights ago, after hours of Emmie's distressing fussiness, I shrewdly asked Amanda, "Do all babies do this when they're teething, geez?!?" She lovingly reminded me that some babies do this continuously, to shut my yapper and reckon myself thankful. It's been agony on us having to bear through her recent whimpering and awakenings, but considering how wonderfully she's slept over the last 9 months, I think we were spoiled. (One could argue the substitution of "spoiled" with "blessed!")

All in all, Emmie continues to be our heart & soul. She's only 10 months old this week, but it already feels like we've had her for a lifetime. Don't get me wrong; at times, I feeling like clicking on those spam emails I get that says "Get Xanax quick & easy" and just starting an hourly regimen of anesthetizing.

But its then that she smiles, coos, shimmies, or giggles--- and reminds me of how her miraculousness will always outweigh her undertaking.

- Shane

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Growing Girl

Well, I think the title sums it up: Our girl, she is a growin'.

Emmie had her 6 month check up last week. She weighed in at 18 lbs and measures 27 inches long. She is right on track with everything. She's sitting up VERY well on her own, working on crawling, and loves to have fun.

Within the same week we had to go back to see Dr. Reigner for a thrush & croup diagnosis. Sunday morning, Emmie woke up with no voice and white junk on her tongue. She was so sad. Emmie isn't a baby who wants to be held normally but all she wanted Sunday and Monday mornings were to sit in our laps. It was sweet and sad at the same time. So, the doctor gave her liquid Nystatin to take 4 times a day for 10 days. Mimi (Sherry) had the great pleasure of keeping her Monday night for us to go to dinner. I bet she had her hands tied! But Emmie had a great time.

Other than that, everything is great here. She's getting back to normal and we're heading to the lake in the morning. We'll be there for a week, home for a week, and back to the lake for a week. Maybe we'll come back with a tan baby & mommy....doubt it! By the way....HOLY CRAP you have to take a lot of stuff with you when you go on vacation with a baby! I don't see any other vacations in our near future!

Have fun this summer!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Long Time No Type

Sorry it's been so long. Leslie informed me today that I had to post. This thing is not letting me press enter so it's going to be one LONG paragraph! Emmaline is doing great. I'm sure she's 20 pounds by now. I think she's teething, I just hope they'd come in already, she's a big drool bucket! Since I last posted, she rolled over tummy to back (at exactly four months right in front of Dr. Reigner). Now, she's rolled from back to tummy too! The sad thing is though, she gets really ticked off when she rolls from her back to her tummy and can't figure out how to get back. She knows how, she just gets so mad she doesn't do it. She's still sleeping though the night and her reflux is doing well with medicine. I have to admit, that without her on her meds and me on mine, I think we'd both want to kill each other! She's been in the pool quite a few times now. She stayed 5 1/2 hours Saturday and loved it. I'll post the cutest pictures of her in her "kini" later. But for now, I've got to get out of the house to pick up a rental car (mine is broken), go meet lori for lunch, check on Melissa, and go to Savannah to the chiropractor about this stupid neck & hands. Until later, many drools to you!

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Emmaline is officially a pork chop! She weighs 14.5 lbs! WOWZAS! She's just now venturing into 3-6 month clothes. And boy, I had a field day at the Gymboree clearance sale last week.

Last week we had a doctor's appointment for an eye infection. She had some goop building up around her eye so we took her in. They said she had a blocked tear duct that caused an infection and that it was progressing to pink eye. So needless to say, we got put on some meds to clear it up.

Sunday we went out in the boat for the first time. She was halarious in her life jacket. The pictures really don't do it justice. She also got a sunburn (I know, bad mommy). I swear, she had on SPF 50, a hat, sunglasses, the works! But she still got sunburnt under her eyes.

Shane wants to say just how much we love her (I think he says it 100 times a day). She's getting so big. She holds her head up completely on her own now, loves to stand, talks non-stop (scary things to come), sleeps through the night, and is just an utter joy! We've had so much fun with her. My mom says she's just a new toy to us!

Well, I hear the munchkin now calling for her bedtime bottle. So I'll post sometime (not) soon I'm sure!


Friday, March 14, 2008

Saint Patrick's Day

Happy Saint Patrick's Day to you all! Today we braved the streets of Savannah and went to the parade with Emmaline, Lori & Connor, Dad & Duane, and met the Bostons down there. It was a LONG day. We left at 7:30 and got back to PWW around 4:00. The parade lasted 4 hours!

All in all in was a good day. Emmaline did great. She loved being outside and all the noise didn't bother her one bit! She's getting so big now. She's got great head control, is talking (cooing) so much, pulls up on your fingers, will support herself some standing, and :::Drumroll please::::: is sleeping through the night! (Angel music plays).

At our last doctor's appointment she weighed in at a whopping 12.5 pounds. I'm sure she's put on another pound or two since then. She had her first round of shots and it was so sad. She's just sitting there minding her own business when WHAM! there she goes. And she cried a cry we've never heard before. It was pitiful!We go back in April to get more shots. I don't know if I'll be able to take Shane to this one, lol. He hated seeing his baby like that.

Well, I guess that's all for now. I hope you enjoy the slideshow below!

My First Saint Patrick's Day

Thursday, February 28, 2008

What a birthday!

Wow, what a birthay. Yesterday Shane & I stayed home sick and Emmaline spend the day and night with her Grandmommy & Poppy. I went back to work today and Shane went to the doctor who told him he didn't technically have the flu but had all the symptoms so he was going to treat him as if he had the flu. Both my grandparents have had the flu & now my grandma has pnemonia to go with it. So, needless to say, we didn't do much for my birthday today. My Para brought me cupcakes & ice cream, Emmie sent me a balloon & bear, I went by to see Emmie (she's staying one more night just to be safe), went to dinner with Lori & Connor, and came home to take care of poor ol' Shane!

But boy do we miss our baby right now. At least I got to get a little sugar before I left her. I think Shane is going through withdrawals and may need medical attention!

Emmaline is growing up so fast. She's sitting in her bumbo chair, loves to talk to the ceiling fan, is sleeping through most of the night (maybe getting up once or twice), and is smiling and talking so much now! We went to the doctor for her 2 month check up last week and ol' chubbers weighs in at 12.5 pounds. Shane wants to put her on a diet. She's right on target for her height and development.

She did pretty well with her shots. Bless her heart, she didn't even see them coming. She's just sitting there in her diaper after being checked out and BAM, she's stuck in the leg. If you could have seen the look on her face it was like "What the heck just happened here!" and then she began to scream. I really thought Shane was going to cry. It was so sweet. She slept pretty much the rest of the day and did pretty good about not being cranky like we expected her to be.

I'll post more pictures soon and I apologize for the black ones. I can't figure out what's wrong but I'll keep working on it. Until then, leave us some love!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Monday, February 11, 2008

Life Begins

Well, today was the day. I went back to work & Emmaline stayed with Shane. Well, they didn't exactly stay anywhere. They went to the bank, went to the hospital, went to lunch, went to Grandma Dots, went to the post office, and went to Wal-Mart. What busy bees!

It really wasn't a bad day at school. I guess I have that "off break" momentum we usually have after being gone all summer. The kids were fine, just had to get back into the groove of having me there again.

Tomorrow Emmaline will go to her Grandmommy's (Leslie). This will be her regular place to go when Shane & I are at work unless her MeeMee (Sherry) needs her fix of her grandbaby or Poppy (Tommy) has Leslie doing something else. I'm sure it'll be an adjustment for all!

Sorry this is so short but I'm going to bed, even though it's not even 9:00 yet! I'll update more as the weeks go on.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

A Sixth Sense

I have discovered that Emmaline is, in fact, psychic. It's true. She's already subconciously aware of time & space. For instance, you know that moment when your head finally molds into your pillow, the instant your body rhythmically settles in position, the exact second your brain clocks out & drifts into nothingness -- do you know that moment? Emmaline does, every time. It's because she's psychic. She recognizes it almost supernaturally. And, at that exact moment, after she's realized her psychic awareness of what time it is, the screaming begins.

-- Shane

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

First Month

Emmaline is 1 Month Old


Ok, Ok, so I'm a little late. Shoot me! Emmaline is now one month & 13 days old. She is a fat little butter ball and I could squish her guts out. She's doing much better now that she's on the Zantac. She's sleeping 4 hour stretches at least at night, and taking long afternoon naps. She's not really a morning person (gets that from her daddy) and is quite cranky until about lunchtime.

Everyday she changes! She's smiling, making all kinds of noises, reaching, holding her head by herself, and even has a tickle spot. We're enjoying every moment with her.

I should have gone back to work this past Monday but I've decided to wait a little while longer and go back February 11th. It'll be an easy transition week and Shane is off that day to keep her. I'm looking forward to going back to work in a way, but in others, I'm not.

Until next time, I'll post some more pics.

Emmie with "Santa", Her 1st Christmas Present (Bracelet), With Lori, & At Bathtime

Monday, January 14, 2008

Happy Birthdays :)

Happy 4 week birthday---and later this week---happy 1 month birthday!

Wow...I can't believe it's been 4 weeks. It seems like it's been an eternity that's flown by. Does that make any sense?

We're back to battling sleep but not nearly as bad as before. I think now it's just typical baby stuff. But for now, Shane is feeding her and putting her down so I think I may go get some sleep.

By the way, have I mentioned how wonderful Shane is??? I sure do love that boy!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Good Morning Indeed!!

Wow, we had a great night! Emmaline slept from 10:30-1:45, ate, slept until 5:00, ate, slept until 6:30 and ate again. She and I finally got up at 8:30, she ate, and can you believe it, she's asleep....AGAIN!! I might actually get a shower before Shane gets home today.

Emmaline is now 3 weeks and 2 days old. We had a doctor's appointment yesterday and she now weighs 8lbs 11oz. What a fatty! We were guessing right around 8lbs but I didn't think she'd put on that much weight. But I guess it'll do it to you when you've now decided you want to eat 3 and 4 oz at a time. The doctor thinks she's doing great and we've decided she may have some reflux since she doesn't burp, likes to be held on your shoulder or on her tummy, and is so gassy. So she's been put on liquid Zantac 2 times a day.We should know in a week for sure if it's helping or not. Please pray it does and pray we have more days & nights like yesterday!

She also had many first outings yesterday. I've been quite hesitant to take her out in "public" being so little but the doctor expressed no concern about it so we decided to go eat breakfast, not at a drive through, but at an actual restaurant! She slept right through it. We were trying to kill some time until ToysRUs opened because her daddy has been calling her Sunshine Bear and has been dying to get her a Sunshine Bear Care Bear. So we found a little one but then we spotted a big one that sings. Of course, being wrapped around daddy's pinky already, he had to get her the expensive one. How sweet!
Then we went by to see some of Shane's co-workers (no bad comments on this please, we didn't take her upstairs)! Then by my work also. Everyone oohheed and aahhheed over her. Then lastly, she played bunco for the first time last night. Everyone got in a lot of sugar thats for sure.

It's amazing that in the last 3 days we've had 2 bad and 1 good and I've almost forgotten how horrible we all felt on those 2 bad days. (This must be the "forgetfulness" that makes you want to have another one so soon haha)

She's changing so much already. She's getting fatter, lifting her head, making more and more eye contact, and trying to use her muscles to pull up when we have her by the fingers. We're so excited to see whats to come.

Saturday, January 5, 2008


Welcome to our blog about our new addition, Emmaline Noelle. We'll be using this to update everyone about how she's doing as well as mommy and daddy.

Emmaline is now two weeks & five days old. It's unreal how close you can become to someone in such a short time. It was also amazing how quickly the "parent" instinct kicked in. I BY NO MEANS have it figured out yet. Quite to the contrary, I'm so clueless it should be illegal for me to have a child! But, we are working through it and each day seems to get a little better.

Being born so close to Christmas, Emmaline has already had quite a few outings. The day after she came home she had her first doctor's appointment and then went and had professional pictures made with (If you'd like to see them or order pics, email me and let me know, I'll send you the password.) She's had several Christmas gatherings where she was overly snuggled & smooched upon!

This week, Emmaline lost her umbilical stump and is having more and more periods of wakefulness. We're still battling the gassiness but I hope in time, it will work itself out.

Today was a lazy day for us all. We never even got out of our pajamas today. It was wonderful to be home, the three of us, with no where to go. Right now, she is snoozing away. She's been down for almost 2 hours now. This might be a record. Haha. When she wakes up she'll have her bath and then some good snuggles from mommy & daddy before we all try to get some sleep.

I hope you all will enjoy her as much as we do. Please post any advice or comments you have as we share about her. Thank you all for everything you've done for us so far. We are all truely loved!

Coming Home



Ultrasound Pics

Welcome Emmaline Noelle!

December 17, 2007: Welcome Emmaline Noelle!