Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Emmaline is 1 Month Old


Ok, Ok, so I'm a little late. Shoot me! Emmaline is now one month & 13 days old. She is a fat little butter ball and I could squish her guts out. She's doing much better now that she's on the Zantac. She's sleeping 4 hour stretches at least at night, and taking long afternoon naps. She's not really a morning person (gets that from her daddy) and is quite cranky until about lunchtime.

Everyday she changes! She's smiling, making all kinds of noises, reaching, holding her head by herself, and even has a tickle spot. We're enjoying every moment with her.

I should have gone back to work this past Monday but I've decided to wait a little while longer and go back February 11th. It'll be an easy transition week and Shane is off that day to keep her. I'm looking forward to going back to work in a way, but in others, I'm not.

Until next time, I'll post some more pics.

Emmie with "Santa", Her 1st Christmas Present (Bracelet), With Lori, & At Bathtime

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