Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Good Morning Indeed!!

Wow, we had a great night! Emmaline slept from 10:30-1:45, ate, slept until 5:00, ate, slept until 6:30 and ate again. She and I finally got up at 8:30, she ate, and can you believe it, she's asleep....AGAIN!! I might actually get a shower before Shane gets home today.

Emmaline is now 3 weeks and 2 days old. We had a doctor's appointment yesterday and she now weighs 8lbs 11oz. What a fatty! We were guessing right around 8lbs but I didn't think she'd put on that much weight. But I guess it'll do it to you when you've now decided you want to eat 3 and 4 oz at a time. The doctor thinks she's doing great and we've decided she may have some reflux since she doesn't burp, likes to be held on your shoulder or on her tummy, and is so gassy. So she's been put on liquid Zantac 2 times a day.We should know in a week for sure if it's helping or not. Please pray it does and pray we have more days & nights like yesterday!

She also had many first outings yesterday. I've been quite hesitant to take her out in "public" being so little but the doctor expressed no concern about it so we decided to go eat breakfast, not at a drive through, but at an actual restaurant! She slept right through it. We were trying to kill some time until ToysRUs opened because her daddy has been calling her Sunshine Bear and has been dying to get her a Sunshine Bear Care Bear. So we found a little one but then we spotted a big one that sings. Of course, being wrapped around daddy's pinky already, he had to get her the expensive one. How sweet!
Then we went by to see some of Shane's co-workers (no bad comments on this please, we didn't take her upstairs)! Then by my work also. Everyone oohheed and aahhheed over her. Then lastly, she played bunco for the first time last night. Everyone got in a lot of sugar thats for sure.

It's amazing that in the last 3 days we've had 2 bad and 1 good and I've almost forgotten how horrible we all felt on those 2 bad days. (This must be the "forgetfulness" that makes you want to have another one so soon haha)

She's changing so much already. She's getting fatter, lifting her head, making more and more eye contact, and trying to use her muscles to pull up when we have her by the fingers. We're so excited to see whats to come.

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