Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A growing youth, a junior sleuth, a new-formed tooth:

A GROWING YOUTH: Yes, ol' chunky-butt is sprouting up like a 6th grade bean-planting project. She's 82.5 pounds; err--- well, she FEELS that heavy! YOU try luggin' this tub-o'goo around; you'd agree! She's also at the stage now where she's trying so hard to talk. At times, you'd think she's carrying on an adult conversation as much as she's babbling. And so expressive; everything she says is with such conviction and demand. We can already tell she's going to have the same open, approaching, verbose personality like her mommy.

A JUNIOR SLEUTH: Did we mention that she's easily pulling up and a speedster at crawling? Oh yeah... Baby Roadrunner is all over the place! That's a good thing, I guess, except when she GETS INTO EVERYTHING! I remember years ago watching comedian Dana Carvey on TV doing jokes about being a new dad... that every 2 minutes your only conversation with your child is "No, no, no, no, no!" That's pretty much the chatter around the Sanders' house. She's like a detective going around looking for clues... and by "clues" I mean "kibble." Emmaline's mobility super-power has introduced her to tasty morsels of dog food, dryer lint, and junk mail. And it doesn't stop there. She's sampled electrical cords, grass, dog hair, and flip flops. Her palate has no preference! If it's in this house, she'll find it. And whatever she finds, it become a snack!

A NEW-FORMED TOOTH: Little Miss Munchmouth has slowly phased in her first little teeth. And, painfully so (for us and for her). She has rollercoaster'd through these waves of happiness and misery. For the first time in months, she's aroused in the dark of night, howling in pain. But all the little angel wants is just some tender love & care from MaMa or DaDa and she'll (usually) go back to sleep. Several nights ago, after hours of Emmie's distressing fussiness, I shrewdly asked Amanda, "Do all babies do this when they're teething, geez?!?" She lovingly reminded me that some babies do this continuously, to shut my yapper and reckon myself thankful. It's been agony on us having to bear through her recent whimpering and awakenings, but considering how wonderfully she's slept over the last 9 months, I think we were spoiled. (One could argue the substitution of "spoiled" with "blessed!")

All in all, Emmie continues to be our heart & soul. She's only 10 months old this week, but it already feels like we've had her for a lifetime. Don't get me wrong; at times, I feeling like clicking on those spam emails I get that says "Get Xanax quick & easy" and just starting an hourly regimen of anesthetizing.

But its then that she smiles, coos, shimmies, or giggles--- and reminds me of how her miraculousness will always outweigh her undertaking.

- Shane

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