Thursday, April 10, 2008


Emmaline is officially a pork chop! She weighs 14.5 lbs! WOWZAS! She's just now venturing into 3-6 month clothes. And boy, I had a field day at the Gymboree clearance sale last week.

Last week we had a doctor's appointment for an eye infection. She had some goop building up around her eye so we took her in. They said she had a blocked tear duct that caused an infection and that it was progressing to pink eye. So needless to say, we got put on some meds to clear it up.

Sunday we went out in the boat for the first time. She was halarious in her life jacket. The pictures really don't do it justice. She also got a sunburn (I know, bad mommy). I swear, she had on SPF 50, a hat, sunglasses, the works! But she still got sunburnt under her eyes.

Shane wants to say just how much we love her (I think he says it 100 times a day). She's getting so big. She holds her head up completely on her own now, loves to stand, talks non-stop (scary things to come), sleeps through the night, and is just an utter joy! We've had so much fun with her. My mom says she's just a new toy to us!

Well, I hear the munchkin now calling for her bedtime bottle. So I'll post sometime (not) soon I'm sure!

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