Thursday, June 5, 2008

Long Time No Type

Sorry it's been so long. Leslie informed me today that I had to post. This thing is not letting me press enter so it's going to be one LONG paragraph! Emmaline is doing great. I'm sure she's 20 pounds by now. I think she's teething, I just hope they'd come in already, she's a big drool bucket! Since I last posted, she rolled over tummy to back (at exactly four months right in front of Dr. Reigner). Now, she's rolled from back to tummy too! The sad thing is though, she gets really ticked off when she rolls from her back to her tummy and can't figure out how to get back. She knows how, she just gets so mad she doesn't do it. She's still sleeping though the night and her reflux is doing well with medicine. I have to admit, that without her on her meds and me on mine, I think we'd both want to kill each other! She's been in the pool quite a few times now. She stayed 5 1/2 hours Saturday and loved it. I'll post the cutest pictures of her in her "kini" later. But for now, I've got to get out of the house to pick up a rental car (mine is broken), go meet lori for lunch, check on Melissa, and go to Savannah to the chiropractor about this stupid neck & hands. Until later, many drools to you!

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